Labour party antisemitism Britain 

Jeremy Corbyn is not the cause of left-wing Jew hate, he’s the result

The Academy of Ideas, a vigorous generator of debate, conferences and discussions, originated in a group of revolutionary communists. Some years ago, they turned on a dime and became libertarians fiercely critical of the left (don’t ask). The Academy is one of the most refreshingly open-minded forums for discussing contemporary trends that at present exists. Last Sunday, I took part in a panel discussion on antisemitism at its annual Battle of Ideas talk-fest in London. The audience was largely sympathetic to concerns about the resurgence of antisemitism in Britain and…

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destruction of israel Britain Israel 

Two state solution? Actually, no: the true signature cause Labour cannot admit

The leader of Britain’s Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn, has told his party’s annual conference that if he becomes Prime Minister he will immediately recognise a Palestinian state. Immediately. Why? What kind of priority is this for a British Prime Minister? Labour delegates also voted to condemn Israel’s use of force against violent riots on the Gaza border, urge more UK funding for UNWRA, the UN agency for Palestinians, and back a freeze on British arms sales to Israel. And in a veritable sea of hatred of the Jewish state, they…

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Labour party antisemitism Britain Israel 

Dual loyalty taunt? Israel slandered? So what’s new?

Within hours of the Labour party giving its members wriggle room to defame Israel without any pushback, posters appeared on central London bus-shelters slandering Israel as a “a racist endeavour”. The virus of left-wing antisemitism is out of control. Why is anyone surprised? None of this is new. Jeremy Corbyn may have made the poison more toxic but he didn’t release it. He is rather its most malevolent symptom. I first experienced this in 1982. Colleagues implied that my real country wasn’t Britain but Israel. At the time, I’d never…

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crazy world Videos 

Our crazy world: Corbyn, Farrakhan, Franklin funeral sermon

Our crazy world The holidays are over! Please join me here in discussion with Avi Abelow of Israel Unwired as we pick up developments in our crazy world (which has got even crazier in our absence, if that’s possible). We’re talking about the continuing antisemitism crisis in Britain’s Labour party, the emergence of America’s party of hatred and the remarkable sermon delivered at Aretha Franklin’s funeral.

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antisemitism Britain Israel USA 

The west’s antisemitism crisis

Antisemitism is now a major issue in the West. In Britain, there are continuing convulsions over rampant antisemitism in the Labour Party. In America, there was outrage over the presence of the virulent Jew-hater Louis Farrakhan at Aretha Franklin’s funeral. In France and other European countries, Jews are under siege from violent Muslims. The really disturbing thing, though, is that so many are not outraged by this. For a troubling number of people, antisemitism is no longer considered a big deal. Either it is denied or minimized, as in Europe,…

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antisemitism Britain 

UK Jewish community leaders lose the plot on antisemitism, hate and lies

The Jewish community leadership has been pleading with the Labour Party to deal properly with antisemitism and become again the party of moral decency. Surely no-one in the Jewish leadership believes this will happen? Even if the party adopts the full International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition, does anyone really think its antisemitism will then go away? The core problem goes way beyond Labour. It is that the new antisemitism, expressed through virulent anti-Israelism, is now the defining motif for “progressive” circles. This attitude intrinsically repudiates the unique right of the…

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Labour party antisemitism Britain 

Labour antisemitism: the skies are darkening even more

British Jews can be forgiven for feeling punch-drunk. Almost every day, it seems, brings yet another hallucinatory example of darkening antisemitism in the Labour party. Item. Damien Enticott, a Labour local councillor, was suspended by the party after grossly antisemitic posts were found on his Facebook account. These included an image claiming that as part of a “Jewish ritual they drink blood” with the comment: “This is done only by Talmud Jews. Talmud Jews are parasites! They also believe any child over 3 years old that isn’t a Jew should…

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antisemitism Israel 

The new antisemitism eats its own

The British Labour party leadership will be hoping it has now parked its antisemitism crisis for the summer. MPs have gone on holiday, tempers will cool, the fury and uproar of the last few weeks over the party’s definition of antisemitism will now all die down. Or so the leadership is presumably telling itself. But this issue isn’t going away. Exchanges over the past few days have underscored the fact that it is still shockingly unresolved. Last week, the party was electrified by reports that its grandee Dame Margaret Hodge,…

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Labour party antisemitism Britain Israel 

Institutionalising antisemitism in the British Labour party

Britain’s Labour Party has a major problem with rampant antisemitism. It knows it has to deal with it. So what has it done? Dug itself so much further into this particular hole that some in the party fear it has now dug its political grave. On Tuesday, the party’s governing National Executive Committee (NEC) redefined antisemitism in such a way that it has legitimized it within its own ranks. In its new code of conduct on antisemitism, it adopted a definition which significantly differed from the one created by the…

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