Israel USA 

The right is sticking by what they think is right

On his visit this week to Washington, D.C., Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu probably exchanged a wry word or two with President Donald Trump about their similar predicament. Both men are under siege from a legal, political and media establishment determined to lever them out of office. There is another striking similarity concerning their respective electoral base. For despite the maelstrom over their various alleged misdemeanors, those who voted for them don’t seem to care. For sure, Trump’s voters believe that there’s no truth in the charge that Team Trump…

Britain Israel 

About time!

Woah! The 70 year boycott has finally ended. Prince William will become the first member of the British royal family to make an official visit to Israel later this year. Kensington Palace has announced that he will visit Israel, Jordan and the Palestinian Authority.   In all of Israel’s existence, it has never been afforded an official royal visit. Prince Philip and Prince Charles have visited a few times on private occasions, but the royals have never gone there in an official capacity. This has long been a source of…

Global conflict 

The west’s darkest hour

There have been extraordinary scenes in cinemas throughout the United Kingdom. People have leapt to their feet in standing ovations, and grown men have been weeping. The source of the emotion? The wartime speeches of Winston Churchill in the movie “The Darkest Hour.” It’s not just because of Gary Oldman’s tremendous performance as the former prime minister. The movie has touched something very deep in the British psyche: the call to summon all one’s courage and resolution to defend their nation. Showing how the nation’s previous prime minister, Neville Chamberlain,…

Israel USA 

Damned if you do . . . and Trump and Netanyahu are certainly doing

Day in and day out, two men—two crucial world leaders—remain under a constant barrage of verbal attacks. They are subjected to an obsessional, unhinged and unprecedented stream of abuse, distortion, character assassination and malicious fantasies. If you haven’t guessed, they are Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and U.S. President Donald J Trump. The campaign against them signifies a cultural disorder in the West that borders on the pathological. Netanyahu certainly has his faults. One might list arrogance, moral cowardice and his tendency to be a control freak. He doesn’t take…

de-radicalisation Britain USA 

Trump, Brexit and diaspora Jews

The passionate Knesset speech by Vice President Mike Pence, endorsing the Jews’ miraculous return to Israel and Jerusalem, vividly illustrated how the tectonic plates in world politics have now moved. For Pence, of course, it was personal. As a biblically faithful Christian, he doesn’t just believe deeply in Jewish redemption in the land of Israel. He also understands that America itself rests upon the values of the Hebrew Bible. The significance of the speech, however, lay not with Pence but with President Donald Trump. For Trump may not have the…

Britain Israel 

Palestinianism is over. Someone please tell the British

Apparently insulted by repeated slights from Britain’s political class and populace, President Donald Trump has decided to cancel his proposed visit there. Desperate to rescue the all-important post-Brexit US trade deal that might now be in jeopardy, Prime Minister Theresa May is seeking to “clear the air” with the president at the World Economic Forum in Davos next week. Good luck with that one. Mrs. May herself has contributed to the hysteria about Trump’s fitness for office by publicly condemning some of his tweets. Rather more to the point, however,…


Hollywood protest was another vanity parade

Never mind the movies: the theatricality and demand for applause at the Golden Globe awards in Los Angeles at the weekend took place on the red carpet. Actors wore black outfits to signal their solidarity with victims of the sexual harassment scandals that have consumed Hollywood. It’s hard to recall a more egregious display of vanity signalling than the black dress protest. It was “please snap me while I pose in my conscience”. MeToo! MeToo! Shortly before the awards there was a crisis. Forget Iran, Syria or North Korea. So…

crazy world Videos 

Our crazy world

Please join me in this clip as I discuss with Avi Abelow of Israel Video Network the significance of the Iranian protests and the west’s response. To watch the whole discussion, click here.

crazy world Videos 

Our crazy world

Please join me here as I discuss with Avi Abelow of Israel Video Network the Iran uprising, the excommunication from liberal Eden of Professor Alan Dershowitz and the inversion by the left of truth and lies.

Global conflict 

The UN theatre of hatred

Many people are understandably baffled by the recent UN vote condemning President Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. Since such a vote has zero practical effect, they ask, what was the point of it? Well indeed. As the American ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley said in her barnstorming response, America will still be moving its embassy to Jerusalem regardless of the UN’s opinion. The resolution didn’t need to have any practical import. It was merely part of the UN’s theatre of hatred, the malevolent campaign it has waged…