Global conflict 

The real threat to the west. Why can’t Britain see it?

Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman of Saudi Arabia has been making some remarkable comments. In an interview with The Guardian, the recently designated heir to the Saudi throne said the desert kingdom had been “not normal” for the past 30 years. He blamed the extremist Wahhabi form of Islam, which successive leaders “didn’t know how to deal with” and which had created a problem around the world. “Now is the time to get rid of it,” he said. Saudi Arabia would now revert to “what we followed – a moderate…

Global conflict 

The west betrays the Kurds

I can scarcely believe the perfidy of America and the west in betraying the Kurdish people – the one beacon of hope in the Islamic world, warriors who have fought heroically and courageously alongside the west and a people who, unlike the Catalans or the “Palestinians”, really do have a legitimate claim to a homeland of their own. And yet America and the west have abandoned them – and for what? To preserve the hopeless illusion of a democratic and west-friendly Iraq that has actually been infiltrated, manipulated and suborned…

Global conflict 

The clear and present danger to the world

According to the Labour party, Donald Trump represents a “real and present danger to world peace” over his decision not to recertify the Iran nuclear deal. Hello Labour party, planet earth calling! The real and present danger to world peace is Iran. The Iranian regime has been in a state of self-declared war against the west since it came to power in 1979, is the principal sponsor of world terrorism, has committed numerous attacks against western interests and murdered many innocent folk in the process, was behind the killing of…

synchronised Britain 

Labour’s lanyard of hate

The reverberations from Tuesday’s Jew-baiting hate-fest at the Labour party conference rumble on, as well they might. David Collier’s blog post here on what he experienced at the conference is a must-read. I found this observation particularly chilling: “At the Labour Friends of Israel event, there were anti-Israel activists actually taking photos of the MPs who were present. No doubt to add new faces onto existing expulsion ‘lists’… To my knowledge, I had my photo take twice at the conference. Once as I was leaving the ‘Free Speech’ event, an…


The sea-change in American Jewry

I have often written about the current dismaying trajectory of the American Jewish community. With some three quarters of them identifying with the universalist, left-wing mindset, both in religious and secular life, they are positioning themselves on the wrong side of the war of civilisation being waged against the west from within while their children are progressing from indifference towards Israel to outright hostility. So much is the common source of much anguished discussion amongst those who care about this decline. An astute and moving article in The American Spectator…

Global conflict 

The axis of destruction

German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s decision to fling open the doors of Germany to more than a million migrants from the developing world baffled many. Although only a minority of these migrants were refugees fleeing persecution, with most of them seeking instead the chance of economic opportunities in Europe, it is widely believed that Mrs Merkel saw the presence of at least a proportion of Syrian refugees amongst their number as an opportunity finally to shake off the spectre of her country’s belligerent past and recast its reputation as a nation…

Global conflict 

Is cantonisation the way out of the Middle East quagmire?

Given the carnage in Syria and the intractability of such a complex religious and ethnic civil war, it has often been observed – rightly – that the very notion of one unified country is inimical to Arab culture. It was imposed upon the Arab world after World War One by western countries which either didn’t realise or didn’t care that the nation state was wholly inappropriate for a culture which was fundamentally tribal. What we’ve seen happening, not just in Syria but more widely throughout the Arab world, is the…


The most lethal crocodile in the swamp

It is blindingly obvious that, ever since Donald J Trump was elected President of the United States, a sustained attempt has been made to delegitimise him and force him out of office. We have now witnessed six months of unremitting attack upon the President, principally centred around the claim that he formed improper relations with Russia in order to skew the election in his favour. Not only has no evidence whatsoever been produced of any such collusion, but there has been instead evidence of serial wrongdoing by unnamed actors in…


The Temple Mount trap

I wrote here that Israel’s removal of the metal detectors from Temple Mount was a mistake, and that those in the west approving of the move merely showed how badly they failed to understand the Arab Muslim religious war against the Jews. On the day the metal detectors were removed I attended a meeting in Jerusalem where Israel’s minister for housing, Yoav Galant, said erecting the barriers had been “a mistake”. Staggered by this language which played directly into the Arab and Muslim “strong horse” mindset in which any retreat…