Israel USA 

The true presidential collusion scandal

A US President colluding with a hostile foreign power against the interests of his own country? Sounds like a scandalous abuse of the US constitution demanding high level investigation. Yet while Special Counsel Robert Mueller pursues his corrupted investigation of a non-existent collusion scandal involving President Trump, a real one has been exposed involving President Obama. Politico has published an explosive investigative piece by Josh Meyer which states that the Obama administration shut down a federal inquiry into international drug smuggling, money laundering and terrorism by Hezbollah in order to…

Britain Israel USA 

The British and European perfidy

Palm Beach, Florida, Friday Twenty-four hours after President Trump’s watershed speech recognising Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, there has been predictable Palestinian violence and equally predictable, almost unanimous condemnation from Western European leaders and the western left. What needs to be understood is that the former is symbiotically connected to the latter. As I said in my blog post yesterday, the Palestinians use violence in order to get a reaction that advances their agenda. Until now, the west has duly obliged. For a variety of reasons including fear, ideology and bigotry…


Europe picks the wrong side. Again

For years Israel has been blamed for standing in the way of peace with its Arab neighbours. When it rejected a “peace plan” by the the Saudi regime which would have brought about Israel’s destruction, it was excoriated for turning down a chance to end the Middle East conflict. Now the new Saudi Crown Prince, Mohammed bin Salman, has proposed another peace plan. Unlike its predecessor, according to the


Is Arab realism finally breaking out?

Yet more Arabs have been making startlingly positive statements about Israel and the Jews. In an interview broadcast by the Kuwaiti Alrai TV channel last week, Kuwaiti writer Abdullah al Hadlaq declared that the State of Israel was not an occupying force but represented “a people returning to its promised land”. He went further, declaring that the Jews had a right to the land of Israel according to the Koran: “From the religious perspective, Quranic verse 5:21 proves that the Israelites have the right to the Holy Land. Allah says: ‘When Moses said…

Global conflict 

Is this too good to be true?

According to the Turkish Anadolu news agency, reported here, the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia, Abdul Aziz al Sheikh, has issued a quite remarkable religious ruling. Answering a question on TV about the Palestinian Arab riots over Temple Mount last July, he didn’t merely denounce Hamas as a “terror organisation”. Much more significantly he actually issued a fatwa, or religious ruling, forbidding war against the Jews; and he said that fighting against Israel was inappropriate. How can this be anything other than highly significant? Sheikh Abdul Aziz is not exactly a…

crazy world Videos 

Our crazy world

Please join me here as I discuss with Avi Abelow of Israel Video Network the political frenzy in Britain where a government minister, Priti Patel, was forced to resign as a result of her holiday activities in Israel; the re-emergence as a result of some ripe antisemitism from within the Conservative Party; and the calamitous mistake by Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson which worsened the desperate plight of a British-Iranian woman behind bars in Iran – but over which he has not been forced to resign (well, not yet).


The west’s vital strategic asset

One of the many things the west fails to grasp about the State of Israel is how important it is to the security of the west, as well as the role that the Jews of that land have played in helping defend western lives since before Israel was reborn. Col Richard Kemp, Britain’s former commander in Afghanistan, has written a great piece about this that should be essential reading. Here’s a flavour: “For many years Western nations have depended heavily on Israeli intelligence, and the civil war in Syria and…

crazy world Videos 

Our crazy world

Please join me in this video clip as I lay out for Avi Abelow of Israel Video Network the terrifying scale of the threat to the west from Iran, and the alarming failure of the Trump administration to halt Iran’s progress; even worse, that the US has empowered the regime still further by treating it as an ally. To watch the whole discussion, please click here.

Europeans lose minds and moral compass Britain 

The British government maelstrom

The British government is currently experiencing some, ahem, internal turbulence. The Foreign Secretary, Boris Johnson, told a parliamentary committee last week that Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe, an Iranian-British woman currently in jail in Tehran accused of being a British spy, had been “simply teaching people journalism”. This totally undercut her defence that she had merely been in Iran on holiday, and added fuel to the Iranians’ charge that she had been running a journalism course aimed at spreading anti-Iran propaganda. Zaghari-Ratcliffe was promptly dragged back to court where Johnson’s remarks were cited…


Netanyahu’s master class on British TV

Whatever you think about Israel’s PM Benjamin Netanyahu, this is a master class in how to present the case, not just for Israel but for rational western policy on the manifold and gathering threats to the world within the Middle East – of which the overwhelming threat by far is posed by Iran. Watch how he calmly copes with the usual boiler-plate prejudices about the Palestinians and then makes the points that so badly need to be made to a British audience – such as pointing out that Israel has…