synchronised Britain USA 

The synchronised hatred now destroying the left

In a notable display of synchronised moral meltdown, both America’s Democrats and Britain’s Labour Party have been struggling to manage their shocking eruptions of antisemitism. Both will fail. In America, there has been outrage over remarks by Democrat congresswoman Ilhan Omar, who recycled the trope of manipulative and moneyed Jewish influence when she suggested that American Jews were buying support for Israel in Congress. Although her fellow Democrats denounced her, their reaction has been wholly inadequate. A statement signed by Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other leading Democrats called on Omar…

nazanin Global conflict 

The lethal error in appeasing Iran

When the Obama-brokered Iran nuclear deal was signed in 2015, one of the many spurious reasons offered for that agreement was that it would help the supposedly moderate Iranian President Hassan Rouhani draw the sting of the Islamic regime’s extremism. Now Rouhani is no longer bothering to conceal his real side. Addressing the annual Islamic Unity Conference in Tehran last weekend, Rouhani called Israel a “cancerous tumor” that was formed as a result of World War II. Descending to full-blown Jewish-conspiracy theory, he said: “They deployed a power in the…

conservatism Culture wars USA 

Judaism under attack: the Orwellian hijack of tikkun olam

Throughout the west, the left has a big problem with Israel. This much is well established. In America, the Jewish community has a big problem with galloping assimilation, intermarriage and the steady abandonment of Judaism by its children. This much is also now all too obvious. What’s less appreciated is the extent to which the two are symbiotically linked, and the disturbing implications of how that link works. It’s not just that so many Jews are leaving the faith. It’s not just that the loss of connection to Judaism produces…

Britain Israel USA 

Israel gets the nation-state right while the west fumbles with identity

Two utterly fundamental and seismic issues are threatening to tear apart Britain, Europe and America. They are mass immigration and national identity. The majority of Jews in Britain and America are warmly disposed towards the former and terrified of the latter. They have got it precisely the wrong way round. Diaspora Jews have a Pavlovian response to immigration. This is entirely understandable: the vast majority, myself included, are the descendants of immigrants and refugees. Jews are also commanded in the Torah not to wrong or oppress a stranger “for you…

kaddish Israel 

The lethal moral confusion of saying kaddish for Hamas

The lethal moral confusion of saying kaddish for Hamas The Hamas onslaught against Israel at the Gaza border fence has illustrated a danger for the Jewish people even more fundamental than the declared attempt to invade Israel and slaughter Jews. This is the fallout among the Jews themselves. In London, a group of young Jews assembled outside parliament to recite the kaddish prayer for the Hamas terrorists who were killed while attacking the fence in the most violent riots on May 15. In the US, Jonathan Greenblatt, head of the…

Culture wars 

How globalists threaten Jewish survival

In a recent column in The New York Times, Bret Stephens argued in praise of “globalists.” Globalism is generally held to mean a broadly universalist approach. Stephens interpreted it as support for free trade, immigration to America and U.S. military alliances abroad. One line in particular leapt out at me. He wrote: “Oh, and I’m Jewish. Which, some say, is what happens to globalism after it’s been circumcised.” This could not be more wrong. Judaism is anti-globalist. No people could be more particularist than the Jews. The word by which…

synchronised Europe 

Poland unleashes its own inner demons

If Poland wants to demonstrate it really did have nothing to do with the Holocaust, it’s going a mighty strange way about it. A new law passed by the Polish parliament criminalizing any suggestion that Poland was involved in the Holocaust has produced a crisis in Polish-Jewish relations described as the most serious since the fall of communism in 1989. Poland is well known for its sensitivity to the false description of Nazi concentration camps on its soil as being “Polish camps.” But the new law goes much further. It…

crazy world Videos 

Our crazy world

Please join me here as I discuss with Avi Abelow of Israel Video Network the significance of the continuing reformist noises coming out of Saudi Arabia, what all this might mean for the Arab-Israel conflict and the row over the remarks made by Israeli deputy foreign minister Tzipi Hotovely about American Jews.


G’day, Oz!

In this interview with Rowan Dean and Ross Cameron on Sky News Australia, recorded on September 27 2017, I discuss multicultural confusions in the west, the Arab war against Israel and why so many American Jews are losing the plot. (The sound quality improves after the first few minutes.)

Culture wars 

On the wrong side of America’s culture war

In America, four liberal rabbinic organizations have scrapped their participation in the annual conference call in which the president traditionally offers his greetings for the Jewish New Year. Their reason? President Donald Trump’s statements about the neo-Nazi rally in Charlottesville were “lacking in moral leadership and empathy for the victims of racial and religious hatred.” After that rally, which gave rise to a violent counterprotest and the murder of a young woman when a white supremacist driver plowed his car into a group of “antifa” (or anti-fascist) protesters, Trump provoked…